
Showing posts with the label Between the Dots

God's Mercy

      I can't say I love cats. I would lie. Last week a neighbor's cat decided to invade my house. Out of no where. She managed to give birth to three beautiful kittens in one of the rooms in my house. Without my consent.  I was alerted of their presence by their whining. Cries of hunger. Cries of desperation. My little daughters were amazed. They were so much elated shouting shouts of joy. My daughters shouted in unison claiming they have won the battle between me and them. The battle of owning cats as pets.Their dad was not left behind he was too was euphoric by the presence of the kittens in the house. And of-course his daughters happiness was infectious. At least on him. I was helpless, though i threatened to throw them out. I felt mercy on the helpless kittens. I could not find the guts to touch them with bare hands leave alone to throw them out. But i was not amused nor happy with their presence in my house. When the mother arrived amidst the confusion, she was not happy.